I am trying to build a better self, to move from survival mode to something more fulfilling. And resist turning this into a kitty blog.

chirp chirp


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Tinniegirl Blogtoberfest 2011






Life List

And here it is (in no particular order)...
  1. Learn to play guitar
  2. Live in another country for 6 months-1 year
  3. Learn to can/preserve. Do 12 batches.
  4. Write a book of poetry
  5. Be a lead singer in a band
  6. Blog 6 days a week for 6 months
  7. Visit Croatia 
  8. Discover my "passion" (aim high, right?), what I want to do
  9. Visit that bone church in Prague
  10. Plant and maintain a vegetable garden for one year
  11. Make a quilt
  12. Start a business
  13. Exercise like a normal person (4x/week?) for a year/permanently
  14. Visit 6 continents (2 so far)
  15. Learn to knit
  16. Take a cross-country road trip
  17. Wear a size 8
  18. Visit Russia
  19. Be conversational in 3 languages: English, Spanish, ________
  20. Set foot in all 50 states (15 so far)
  21. Learn to ride a bike well enough to use it for regular transportation
  22. Finish 10 paintings
  23. Participate more directly in abolitionism
  24. Sell something created by me
  25. Take pictures of/in the abandoned subway stations in NYC

Click to read more ...


Getting specific

One of the first steps in embarking upon just about any endeavor is list-making. Goal-setting. Establishing what it is one intends to accomplish. So it stands to reason that if one endeavors to build a better self, to live a kick-ass life, she might do well to identify what that life looks like. 

And I have avoided it for my whole life.

When I was really young--say, under 25--I avoided setting life goals out of fear of doing things. I really just wanted to be taken care of, by family, by a man, by chance or fate or the hand of God. I wanted to be special and stand out, but I didn't believe I could do anything to make that happen. I hoped I might just luck into a starring role on broadway, but it didn't occur to me that I could learn to dance, even as I enrolled in a tap class my senior year of high school. If I wasn't the best around me at something, that was the same as being no good at all. The same as being incapable. To set a goal was pointless, I couldn't possibly do the things I dreamed of doing. And the stuff I could do I was already doing, or would luck into along the way.

In the last 8 years it has begun to slowly dawn on me that I might want more than whatever I stumble into. That a fulfilling job might be a priority. That I might even be able to learn something new. I stepped out a little. I stumbled a little. I fell back. Regrouped. Stepped out tiny bit more. But I was still strongly resistent to identifying and announcing what I wanted out of life. My life. Now I wasn't so afraid of doing as I was of not doing. Of failing. To acknowledge that I wanted something put the onus on me to try it. To make it  happen.

Even in my early attempts to start this blog I avoided being specific. Specific is scary. Specific might dictate specific action. Which could lead to failure, leading to disappointment, leading to the worst fate of all: humiliation. 

Yep. That's it. I am cripplingly terrified of humiliation. And that fear is paired with a ludicrous level of perfectionism. This special couple have teamed up to ensure that I remain stuck solidly in a mire of mediocrity. How gross is that? SO GROSS. Ugh. I'm disgusted even thinking about it!

Which brings me back to goal-setting. To list-making. The concept of the life list isn't new. We all know people who have made at least one at some point: the life list, 30 x 30, 40 x 40, or even the horrifically named "bucket list." This summer I discovered Maggie of Mighty Girl, who has one of the best-known life lists, but I had seen dozens prior to finding that one. 

I started my list a couple months ago, while reading The Art of Non-Conformity, and got to about 20 goals before I hit a wall and put it down for a while. But I picked it back up again this month, and have come up with 100 Things I Want To Do During My Life. The sort of things I imagine knowing I've done when I'm an old lady telling stories to young whippersnappers. Or to you, via my old lady blog. And tomorrow I will post it here. 


Late to the party (blogtoberfest day 10)

So I guess I am totally late to the Ryan Gosling-fest. I mean, I'd heard of Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling, but to me he was just the blond dude in that Notebook movie I never saw. The only Ryan Gosling movie I've seen so far is Lars and the Real Girl, which I admit, I did love.

But this weekend I--along with the rest of the Internet, apparently--discovered the glory and beauty of Feminist Ryan Gosling. Oh my goodness. 

Jezebel covered it (obvs), and so did Twitter, and while I normally would have tweeted about it a little, snorted with my girlfriends, and snickered with my husband rather than blog about it, when I found out how awesome Mr. Gosling is in real life I couldn't resist. (plus, 31 straight days of blogging? Let's take content where we can get it!)

So first, of course, there is the darling fact that he read some FYRG quotes in an interview (how charming. For real.). Then there are the insightful, feminist, anti-patriarchal statements me made about Blue Valentine (pardon me while I swoon daintily).

But then while I was Googling him obsessively diligently this afternoon, I came across this Huffington Post article about conflict minerals--basically our generation's blood diamonds--that he co-authored. What?! If I weren't already married to a blond, blue-eyed, feminist who cares about human security and justice, things might've gotten weird as I hunted down Señor Gosling and forced him to snuggle with me. As it is, I just have a list of flicks to add to my Netflix (Qwikster?) queue once my vacation hold ends.

Anyway, to sum up: Feminist Ryan Gosling = Awesome. Actual Ryan Gosling = Also Awesome! The more you know, right? 


Sunday Snippets (blogtoberfest day 9)

I thought I'd join Tinniegirl on Sunday Snippets this week. Maybe I'll make it a habit. We'll see. 


north park





And it's raining all the time

Okay, not ALL the time. But it rained a few days last week, which always puts this song in my head. Obviously the most famous versions of "Stormy Weather" are done by Billie Holiday and Lena Horne, as they should be, but my favorite cover is by Reigning Sound. Since I've been humming it to myself for the last few days, everyone else should start today.